Roadworthiness Testing

What is vehicle roadworthy testing?
A roadworthy test determines whether a vehicle is safe to drive or not. A vehicle that passes will be awarded a Certificate of Roadworthiness (CoR). The test is a safety examination only and isn't a comprehensive technical examination. The various aspects of the vehicle that must be tested, together with the standards deemed acceptable, are prescribed by law.
A roadworthy test ensures:
- your safety on the road,
- reduces your overall motoring costs, and
- identifies potential hazards and save money by preventing additional damage before it happens.
The roadworthiness test checks the following parts of the car:
- identification and documentation,
- electrical systems,
- fittings and equipment (including mirrors, safety belts etc.),
- braking system,
- wheels (including tyre condition),
- suspension and undercarriage,
- steering,
- engine,
- exhaust system,
- transmission and drive, instruments, and
- vehicle dimensions.
You can get a roadworthiness certificate from any private or public vehicle testing station.
How do I get my vehicle tested?
- Go to the nearest vehicle testing station with the following:
- Vehicle's registration certificate. (optional-determined by the VTS)
- Identity Document (ID).
- Prescribed fee.
- Complete the Application for Certification of Roadworthiness (ACR) form.
When should I get my vehicle tested?
- If you're the owner or operate a private vehicle with a gross vehicle mass less than 3 500 kg (mainly cars and bakkies) you're not required to obtain an annual CoR. The only time you must obtain a CoR, by law, is during a change of ownership.
- If you're the owner or operate a vehicle with a gross vehicle mass greater than 3 500 kg (mainly trucks and buses) or one less than 3 500 kg that you operate for reward (mainly light delivery vehicles, taxis and minibus taxis), you're required by law to obtain a CoR every 12 months, except for buses. Owners or operators of buses are required to obtain a CoR every 6 months.
- A roadworthy test must be conducted every time a vehicle changes ownership. The test, which is a legal requirement, takes 30 minutes and ensures vehicles meet the safety standards defined by the SABS.
- No registration certificates or vehicle licences will be issued to new owners without valid roadworthy certificates.
Forms to complete
ACR forms are available at your nearest testing station or you can download them from the eNaTIS website.
Sources: Department of Transport and Public Works, eNaTiS, The AA of South Africa
The full roadworthiness test sheet is available in the Government Gazette of 23 November 2005 (no 28227).
For more information contact:
Charlton Majiedt
Tel: 021 483 2073
Twitter: @WCGovTPW