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Report fraud and corruption

Government fraud and corruption cases are handled by different national and provincial institutions. Each institution deals with specific cases.

The Provincial Forensic Services unit, within the Department of the Premier Corporate Assurance, deals with cases and/or suspicions of fraud, theft and corruption affecting the Western Cape Government.

If you suspect that fraud, theft and corruption are happening in the Western Cape Government, you can report it by post, email, telephone or fax:

  • Postal address: PO Box 659, Cape Town, 8000
  • Email:
  • Tel: 021 483 0901/0931
  • Fax: 021 483 0928
  • Street address: Atterbury House, 9 Riebeek Street, 9th Floor, Cape Town

Try to provide as much information as possible:

  • Is it an anonymous tip off?
  • date, time, duration of the incident and the provincial department affected
  • details of the people/organisations involved and how they are involved
  • evidence/documents to support your claim
  • details of others who may have information and would cooperate during an investigation

You can also report corruption, fraud and theft in any government department by phoning the toll free National Anti-Corruption Hotline on 0800 701 701.