Getting a copy of an accident report

If you're in an accident, you need to report this to the police, who will complete an accident report. If in future you need to get hold of the accident details or a copy of the Accident Report, you should find out whether the accident report is kept at:
- The South African Police Services (SAPS).
- The local authority.
- The provincial Western Cape Mobility Department
The SAPS keeps accident reports for all accidents where a criminal case has been opened. Contact the police station in the area that the accident took place for more information.
Accident reports for accidents that happened in the area of the City of Cape Town where there is no criminal case opened are kept by the city.
For accidents that happened in the jurisdiction of the City of Cape Town, you can contact:
Tel: 021 8124436 /4451 /4453
All other accident reports are kept by the Western Cape Mobility Department.
How to obtain an accident report from the Department
The following documents are required when requesting an accident report:
Request as the driver:
- Copy of your ID
- Request letter (Stating that you were involved in an accident and requesting copy of the AR from)
- Deposit Slip or payment notification
Requests from Attorneys or Third Parties
- Copy of client’s ID
- Consent Letter or power of attorney
- Request letter from Attorney or Third Party
- If the client’s name is not on the form, an affidavit stating they were involved in an accident is required
- Deposit Slip or payment notification
Please do not make payment if we have not confirmed that the accident report form is at our offices.
Price per Accident Form: R165.00
Bank: Nedbank
Account Name: Department of Infrastructure
Account No: 145 2045 100
Branch Code: 145 209
Reference No: 20 ADIC
Office no: +27 21 483 2154
Fax No: +27 21 483 2102
- All queries and documentation must be emailed to