
The Provincial Treasury is responsible for drafting the annual budget of the Western Cape. To build a safe Western Cape where everyone prospers, the budget takes into account the vision inspired priorities identified by the Western Cape Government:
- Safe and cohesive communities;
- Economic growth and jobs;
- Empowering people;
- Mobility and spatial transformation; and
- Innovation and culture.
The budget has a strong citizen centric approach aimed at improved service delivery, addressing the needs of citizens and creating economic and job opportunities in the Province.
Servicing the basic needs of our most vulnerable communities, requires the prioritisation of frontline services such as healthcare, education and social development. Creating opportunities for our youth also enjoy creating jobs remain one of the main drivers of supporting the Western Cape economy, and therefore the entire South Africa.
The Western Cape budget policy is also aimed at maintaining fiscal sustainability. The current provincial and national economic climate and economic growth expectations are taken into account. To address fiscal challenges, the Western Cape Government has developed a fiscal response to pro-actively manage these risks through the continued protection of frontline services by investing in education, health, social development and the application and protection of provincial reserves.
The Provincial Treasury monitor the budget performance of municipalities through annual Budget Information, In-year monitoring and Quarterly Municipal Budget performance publications.
Its purpose is to assist, assess and reports on municipal and entity budgets, revenue and expenditure management, financial management and introduce associated remedial steps; effective participation in local government IGR engagement processes; and drive the implementation of the Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act 56 of 2003).
To improving conformance, credibility and sustainability of municipal budgets, the Provincial Treasury promotes efficient budget implementation and develops the functional ability of municipalities through implementation of standards, knowledge sharing, hands-on support, and training interventions.