Provincial Treasury: About Us

Our Department plays a major role in achieving the desired socio-economic and governance outcomes of the Western Cape. We achieve this by providing strategic financial leadership to the Western Cape Government provincial departments, their public entities, and all Western Cape municipalities.
The Provincial Treasury is mandated to prepare the provincial budget and to exercise control over the implementation of the provincial budget within the context of co-planning and co-implementation and the joint district approach. Our Department therefore has a critical role to play in the realisation of all the political priorities. The Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan documents also identify the Innovation and Culture Change priority as a key focus of the Department because of the role it has as a Centre of Government department.
Like the Department of the Premier, the Provincial Treasury also emphases the importance of good governance.
The Provincial Treasury fulfils the following functions:
- Prepare and exercise control over the implementation of the provincial budget.
- Promote and enforce transparency and effective management in respect of revenue, expenditure, assets and liabilities of provincial departments and provincial public entities.
- Ensure that its fiscal policies do not materially and unreasonably prejudice national economic policies.
- Enforce the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) and any prescribed national and provincial norms and standards.
- Comply with the annual Division of Revenue Act and monitor and assess the implementation of that act in provincial public entities.
- Assist in building capacities for efficient, effective, and transparent financial management.
- Investigate any system of financial management and internal control.
- Intervene by taking appropriate steps to address a serious or persistent material breach of this act; and
- Promptly provide any information required by the National Treasury in terms of this act.
To create a responsive and inclusive Treasury that enables positive change in the lives of citizens.
- Promote cohesion and citizen-centricity.
- Build capacity in the public sector by being adaptive, innovative, and supportive.
- Integrated management and partnerships that enable the delivery of quality services in a sustainable manner.
The objectives of our Department are to provide:
- Efficient and effective departmental governance support services.
- Effective, efficient, and sustainable management of provincial and municipal fiscal resources.
- A financial system, supply chain and movable asset governance within the provincial and municipal spheres.
- Embedment of good governance through financial management improvement and capacity building initiatives for departments, entities, and municipalities.